The Lumineers just announced their upcoming tour dates for the release of their new album, Cleopatra. They're going to all of the beautiful places: Dublin, Manchester, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Napa, Portland, Vancouver, Redmond. I wouldn't mind that kind of spring. These three are based in Denver, another beautiful city. Wesley and Jeremiah were childhood friends in Jersey (a sometimes beautiful place). When they arrived in Colorado, they placed an ad for a cellist, and the first person they interviewed was Neyla. And that was it. Their sound is definitely folk--this isn't news--but it's full of energy. And with this new single, you get the feeling that they're continuing to try new things--to expand their sound while maintaining classic roots. They'll always be belting anthems, and that's why we need them. They'll always be giving us songs we want to hear over and over. They've got that rare talent for lyrics: a lot of times it doesn't matter what the singer says, as long as they say something. Some of the best anthems have ridiculous words, but we can't sing along without words. If you read the Lumineers' lyrics, they're like the love letters and pleas to stay that we all want in our lives. "The only gifts from god were birth and a divorce." True that.