
Follow Duncan on Instagram @duncanlouwho - visit his website for more info on him! World famous and inspirational Duncan Lou Who the two legged boxer puppy goes to the beach for the first time

Meet Duncan Lou. He's a boxer, and, if you have any experience with boxers, you know that they are some of the happiest creatures on earth: full of energy yet totally gentle. Also, he only has two legs. His website tells his story, and makes you fall in love with his owners--people who decided to give him an extra chance, despite what doctors told them. But I recommend spending some time with his 470+ posts on Instagram. The pictures and videos prove that, as my brother said, "He doesn't even know." Isn't that every human's goal? To be so comfortable in their body (even if their body is considered vastly different from "normal") that they don't even know? There are plenty of metaphors here, and everyone knows of my closeness with dogs, but I think the reason Duncan is so mesmerizing is that he is different. We keep thinking, this shouldn't be possible; but Duncan doesn't know that. Duncan knows that he loves the beach, he loves sticks, and running, and peanut butter. What else is there?